Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Big Day!

I started this blog to share my experience being a surrogate. I want to remember my emotions, struggles and achievements as much as possible, so I'll be updating the blog anytime something "happens". Lol bear with me. It's 4:08am and I'm half awake ;) 

4:08am: I'm half awake. And we're driving to the airport. I have a few mixed feelings this morning. I'm still missing my girls and actually, anytime I think of their little faces, my eyes start watering up. This is one experience this momma bear hasn't gone through yet (being away from her cubs for 5 nights). I know they're in good hands, I just want to be able to hug them at any time. 
I'm also nervous to meet our intended parents. What if they don't like me? Don't laugh I'm being serious! 

So everything went so fast yesterday, I wasn't able to uppdate. Lame, I know. 

Anyway. After we landed, we got a car, and had some lunch. At the appointment, the wonderful nurse saw me walking and asked if I was okay. I explained to her that I wass having pain from the injecton site. She told me she needed to take a look, because it shouldn't be hurting this bad. After drawing my blood, we checked the site. The nurse explained that where we were injecting was a very painful spot as it's right next to my sciatic nerve. (Later I realized, that's probably why my back has been hurting. DUH). As she was examining me, I broke down. 

We had 4 hours of sleep the night before, flew an hour, then waited hours until our appointment, all while I was in the unbearable pain. Hearing it was in the incorrect spot just tipped the iceburg. I was happy though! I was happy to know there is an easy fix to stop the pain. SO HAPPY! 

The ultrasound went great, we got our protocol for the transfer day, and were on our way! We stopped by the pharmacy, bought myself a heated pad and came to the hotel. Seeing a bed to lie on and 2 outlets to plug my phone and heating pad into was the best sight. EVER. I hopped in bed, threw on my heated pad and fell asleep. 

This morning we planned on going to Kono's, an amazing breakfast spot, but the line was out the door and around the corner! So we came to a different place not too far. The view is amazing. We are right by the beach and the energy of the families on bikes and running or walking around is so amazing! San Diego is really beautiful and maybe one day we can call this place home. I know Ray would LOVE  that! 

My appointment is in an hour and 45 minutes. I'm nervous, excited and happy to get this transfer started! I ask that anyone who prays or believes in any sort of power, to think of us and the family. Pray and hope this baby sticks so we can get this baby into the arms of loving, deserving parents. 

That's all for now folks! Hope to update after the transfer this afternoon! 

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